For years I have grown vegetables in raised garden beds, this was initially done to improve the soil quality, make weed control easier and guard against a very active pest population. I worked with my father to build nine raised beds in my back garden, they were customized to fit the small space I had available. It took us a full day, and was very productive for many years. As I was just starting out I did not have the budget for cedar, so I used untreated pine, rot eventually set in. I was able to slowly replace the raised beds on my own with the skills my father taught me.
This past year, as I was assessing which boxes needed replacing, the cost of lumber became a real factor. I started to look at other options, again I asked my father’s advice and decided on raised metal beds.
They were no longer significantly more expensive than wood, they were much easier to install. I was able to easily install each one in less than an hour, and I only needed minimal help tightening wingnuts as my arms were not long enough to reach around. The soil does not heat up too much, the plants look happy and the harvest is proving bountiful. Only time will tell if they hold up better than the wood did, but I am hopeful.
authored by Claire Blahnik